
Monday, October 8, 2007

Storytime with Anya

Lately, I've tried sharing my dreams (when I'm lucky enough to sleep long enough to have one) with Anya. I don't go into great detail, but I'll tell her the general gist of the dream. I wasn't really looking for anything in return, but it has inspired her to tell me about her dreams. Of course, they tend to follow along the storylines of her favorite books, but she adds in her editorial notes and it's really interesting.

Tonight, she told me about her dream that paralleled "The Wolves in the Walls" She wasn't scared in the least, but really seemed to enjoy her "dream". She always tells me she's going to have a nightmare in the hopes of getting me to lay down with her for longer, but it doesn't work anymore. SHe went out like a light tonight, so I'm hoping she's in a good mood tomorrow....she has school, so I know she'll be happy!

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