
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So it appears my blogging is down to twice a month, but I'm going to try reeeeeally hard to do more. Really, the kids are doing incredibly cute (and sometimes not-so-cute) things all the time and I think "I'll have to remember to blog that" and then it's, hiss momma!!!! I can already hear one of my two nappers moving around, so this post might be fairly short, but I'm gonna try!!!

Our little man is now 3 *sniff, sniff* How did that happen? It's still truly amazing to see each of them grow and learn and turn into people. He is quite the character, too....his 3 year old brain is teaching him how to throw tantrums and test his boundaries, but his easygoing nature makes them mercifully short (yay!) He does the "fling your whole body to the ground and cry" move often, but as soon as he hears "we're going" or "here's a cookie", it's all over. And I rarely get past 1-2 and have to follow through with a TO or taking a toy away....he's a great listener!! I've decided to get started on teaching him how to spell his name....poor kid INSISTS that his name is Baz or Bazzy (when I clarify- what is your WHOLE name :) )and that won't fly in school. So for the past 2-3 days when we're driving or having downtime, I'll have him repeat SEB- AST-IAN and today he's starting to do some of it solo! I do feel bad for giving him such a long name to learn, but think of all the letters he'll know!

It's also cute to see how kids mix up sounds and words that they can't quite understand. Baz's current ones are "I'm are" instead of I am and Nilla wipers (wafers). I think he's gotten telephone parrot truck straightened out, but it was cute when he said it!

He's become quite the diligent big brother....Colleen tells me how protective he is of Lorelei when she's there with him. I love to see my kids looking out for each other I hope it continues!!!!

Baz is still a picky eater....if it isn't disguised as a chicken nugget or meatball, he's not going there. Luckily, homemade nuggets and balls usually sneak under his radar, so he does get some nutrition! Oh, and he does love broccoli and cauliflower, so I try to have those fairly frequently.

OK- my computer time is up....stay tuned for updates on the girls when I get a chance!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another catch-up post

So I have a few moments at work- I'm going to try to update with some of the current cuteness in our house. I know that I'm going to forget a large portion of our day-to-day events and that makes me so sad. Every time I talk to a mom whose kids are grown, they seem to only remember the highlights. I suppose that's the side effect of spending so much of every day caring for small kids.

It's funny how I never noticed just how many construction vehicles appear in the spring. When you have an almost 3-year old boy, car rides become a spectator sport of spotting construction trucks and telephone repair trucks. He's got quite an eye! We even have to make a few detours to see them in action sometimes. His other interest now are Car Washes. We went to the one right next to Jungle Bob's after stopping there one afternoon and ever since he's been fascinated with them. There are 3 on our way to and from work, so at least 3-4 days per week we check them out on the way in. Usually he's out cold ont he way home, so he misses them, but so far he hasn't been bothered by that. Baz has also begun using the phrase "I'm are" for "I am". It's really funny when he's insisting something and he says "I'm are". I have to curtail my giggling!

Lorelei is continuing to grow up faster than the other 2 ever did. I'm surprised those Duggar kids aren't speaking and running around by 6 months old! She's easily sitting on her own unsupported (has been for a while), getting verrrrry close to actually crawling. She can scoot around and roll to get things on the floor, but she's learning the hands and knees position. She's also getting the hang of eating solid foods. I'm still amazed at how young they learn what they like and dislike, even the 3rd time around. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising since newborns can take to one formula or another or prefer breastmilk or formula, but at 6 months old, she prefers certain cereals over others. She also prefers veggies (peas, beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash) to fruits. I have been able to get her to eat pears and applesauce, but forget peaches and bananas. She immediately starts blowing raspberries and spitting it back out! She'll also only eat pear flavored yogurt. This is a problem because the baby yogurt only comes in 6-packs with 2 flavors. So we might be putting yogurt on hold for now.

I'm hesitant to even mention it, but sleeping has been much better for the past few nights. We had a rough spell last week when she had a fever. No other symptoms, but fevers of 101-102 for 5-6 days. During that time, she was up several times during the night, as well as both bigger kids, so last week was hard, but the past few nights have been great- only 1 wake-up woohoo!!!