
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mommy of the day award

So it appears that I have to realize that Baz can now speak. When he woke up from his afternoon nap (yippee on the nap!), he was cranky and fussy. This is no surprise- he usually is for a little while until he totally wakes up- but it lasted a little longer than usual and was worse than usual. So he keeps saying "soup" over and over, or so I think. Genius mommy puts him in his highchair and feeds him his dinner and he sorta settles down, but continues to repeat "soup". Bathtime comes and I take his clothes off and realize something..... he wasn't saying soup....he was saying POOP! THe poor kid has been running around with a poop-filled diaper since he woke up from his nap. No wonder he was so cranky! Ack- mommy of the day here.

We had a peds appt today- Anya had a flu shot which she didn't feel a bit- yay! I had Colleen put on some EMLA about an hour earlier, so I'm sure that helped. I'm just glad I didn't have to deal with shot-related drama!

Baz is holding his stats- 50-75th percentiles for length and head circumference and 15-25th for weight. He went up a tiny bit on the chart, so that was nice! He had 4 shots which he definitely didn't like, but he was quickly back to running around the office like a maniac and blowing kisses at the doctor!

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