
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Could it be?????

For the past few months as Baz has progressed into his "I need mommy" clingy phase, the O-N-L-Y person who could calm him down in the night has as been me. George tried and tried again, but when he would go in, Baz would cry even harder and then reach over his shoulder to look for mommy. He did the same when my mom would go to him so we've all figured it's a lost cause. Well, George just went in now to calm him down and guess what......

All I can hear is the glider going back and forth and Baz being quiet- woo-hoo!!! At least I know that if/when I get super-exhausted that he'll accept some soothing from Daddy!!! Yay!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Bryce and Baz sound so much alike. It was about that time that Bryce started accepting Jason as a mommy substitute. Of course now, he has nights where he wants Daddy and cries for him. I can't say I mind when it's 2am. :)