
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Movie time!!

So I won the mommy/daddy lotto today and got to take ANya to see NIghtmare Before Christmas. The second I walked in the door from work this afternoon, she was all over me, begging me to take her to the the-A-ter for the movie. I felt bad because George is the one who introduced NBX to her (against my protests), but since she went with him last year, she wanted to go with me this year! It was so cool to go with her- she's like a little person now- we could chat and hang out before the movie started. She sat happily through the movie- thrilled that the 3-D glasses fit her now that she's not a "little person" anymore! I was happy that there were a good number of small children in the theater besides us- we're not the only crazies that are letting our precious offspring watch Tim Burton's darkness.

Anya and I then went to the grocery store and it was such a treat to tour the store with her.

As I write this, George is trying on his Jack costume- I slipped and told her what his costume is (thinking he already told her) and she's giggling with glee. It does look really cool- yay Disney for putting their Halloween costumes on 50% sales!!!!

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