
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Boy, is this blogging thing challenging. I find myself thinking of things to blog about throughout the day- cute (and not-so-cute) things the kids do, etc, etc but when it comes to the time that I can actually sit at the computer, my energy is gone and my brain is blank. And now it's close to a week since my last entry- where are all those thoughts????

I remember one- I made my favorite-est recipe EVER the other night- Japanese GInger pork. Oh-my-god, is it good! When we go out for Japanese, I usually opt for a ginger sauce if it's available, but this is as good or better! I think I'm going to try it on chicken next time just to see how it tastes, but it's excellent on a thinly sliced tenderloin.

We've been noticing lately how quickly Baz is turning into a little boy. He's starting with two word phrases now (bye bye, ice cream, high five, hi mom/dad, etc) and is getting much better at communicating what he wants. He's great at going to sleep- happily reaches for his bed and lays right down, although it seems that his second nap is vanishing. He eagerly goes down (as he does for his am nap), but after being in the crib for a half hour or so, starts chanting "all done" then turns into a scream when I don't go to him. I tried to move his am nap later today, but he didn't sleep any longer (still 2 hours) and he was seriously cranky by bedtime. I hope he figures out what he wants soon.

On a good note, he slept last night from 7:30pm- 5 am, sucked down a Pediasure and went back down until almost 7am! Woo-hoo! Here's hoping for a repeat of that tonight, but I know better than to count on it.

We had movie night with Anya last night. This was her reward for taking an afternoon nap and she chose Babe. It was mostly good, except for the scene where they have the duck for Christmas dinner (I don't think she really put that one together in her head) and then the farmer thought Babe killed the sheep and was about to shoot him (ack!). Otherwise, it was a fun and cute movie- I remember being completely surprised by it when I first saw it- very pretty and fun movie.

I'm also putting this down on the record- George is teaching Anya to treat him EXACTLY the way he treats his own mother. They have a great relationship and clearly love each other, but it often seems that his ultimate goal is to drive her batty. He does the same with Anya, so I know that 30 years from now, she'll be doing to him what he's doing to Maureen.

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