
Friday, October 19, 2007


I'm putting this in here as a future note for myself, in case it's ever relevant. 18 months is a TERRIBLE age for eating at a restaurant. Anya was difficult from birth. Until lately, George and I spent every single dinner out taking turns inhaling our food as the other entertained our princess. Baz was an angel until the past few months. We could take him anywhere and he was easily distracted with toys, etc until his food came. By the end of the meal, we did end up doing laps around the tables, but it wasn't such a big deal. Lately, we get a minute period when he'll sit happily and that's it. After that's up, we're back to chasing a toddler around the restaurant. Add to it that Anya wants a piece of the fun, so she joins the parade. The result is a rushed meal with 2 aggravated parents wishing we had just ordered in. I'll try to remember to notate when this period ends, but I'm not anticipating it anytime soon.

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