
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Litany of the Why's

I've heard so many parents complain about their kids asking "but why?" over and over and over and now it's our turn. Anya has been asking why for a while, but lately it just doesn't stop. She often answers her own question and expects more. For example, this morning one of the many questions was "Why are they fixing the street to make it less bumpy?" What? How do I answer that? I don't have to dwell too long on an answer since there's usually another question brewing before I'd finish anyway. "Ask daddy" is another good answer, particularly since she usually forgets by the time she sees him anyway.

Baz had a good day today....2 solid naps (yippee!!!!) and a great mood most of the day. The stinker refuses to eat or drink much if he's not in my presence, but I'm finding that he drinks a lot of milk/Pediasure for me, so that makes me happy.

George bought a new toy for the kids- for some reason, it's not selling well, so it was only $10 and the kids LOVE it! It's a huge racetrack for a little matchbox car that zooms around- very cool! The box is interesting because it's got artwork from the time when we were kids so it's sorta retro-cool.

I'm off to do some Disney planning....we're almost down to 6 months left to go!!!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Oh boy, we are right there with you... the why's drive me crazy some days!! No matter what answer you give, there's another "why?" on top of it. No answer seems to satisfy their curious little brains!