
Thursday, July 19, 2007

The kids had a ball with my parents today- they all went to the "new" park and ran around for a couple of hours. This was great when it came time for bed- they both gave minimal resistance and then crashed. Fingers crossed this will make for a restful night for all of us! Anya is starting a trend of coming into our room in the middle of the night.... I encouraged this the other night when she was calling me to her every hour, but it backfired when she showed up uninvited last night. She promised me to stay in her own bed tonight, but I'm not counting on it. Baz is starting to try to climb out of the crib. Thankfully, he can't get a foothold on the slats and there's nothing big enough to step on in the crib so he's failing- I really hope he doesn't figure it out soon- I'm not ready to move out of the crib yet! I've got to figure out something fun to do tomorrow- we've been to the park and the zoo lately...hmmmm...what to do.....

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