
Monday, July 16, 2007

A lesson about Chlorine

Anya had swimming today and overtired mommy forgot to bring in her goggles....Usually this wouldn't be such a big deal, but they must have recently added new chemicals to the pool and my poor little muffin came out with the reddest eyes ever. Of course, the drama queen in her played it up, but she clearly had too much chlorine in that half hour lesson. Her post-swimming lollipop distracted her for the 5 minute ride home, but as soon as we came in the door, the tears started. This began the vicious cycle- the tears irritated her eyes, so she rubbed, irritating them even more and so on.....luckily, we still had some eyewash left over from Baz's run-in with the sunblock and amazingly she let me squirt a little in her peepers. Not much got in, but it made her feel better to DO something so we used that every 10 minutes or so until bedtime. I missed the whole lesson- George stayed to watch her while I did some grocery of these days, I'll get to see her swim more!

Baz is really starting to pick up on more and more words....his faves still are car,clock, daddy, and Anya. Mommy was one of his first words, but I don't even think he says it anymore- I'm pretty sure he's calling me daddy too! He had fun "exercising" with me today. I didn't have time for a full workout, so I put in my 11 minute ab routine and laid down on the family room floor. Baz saw the perfect opportunity to divebomb me (I think I've mentioned his love of divebombing!). It made for a good workout- not only did I have to pull up my own weight, but his too. And it was definitely more fun.

Baz has also started making up for lost time in the squirting dept. After we found out we were expecting a boy, EVERYONE told me how they like to squirt you during diaper changes. OK- I was prepared...shielded him every time, etc, etc....but he never did that. Until the past few days, I've become convinced that he waits until I'm about to change his diaper and starts peeing. Ugh- between that and the very loose stools from his raisin obession now, changing him is a task. Oh yeah, add in the toddler squirmies and it can be downright painful. I vividly remember dreading changing Anya's diaper because I knew how frustrating it would be for me, but I also remember that it did pass and now she can and does get dressed completely on her own!

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