
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Can it be this easy?

As I just typed the title, I knew what I was bringing on...cries of "mommy, MOMMY, MMOOMMMMYYYYY!!!" Baz took 2 good naps today, but was still plenty tuckered out and went to sleep with a minimum of crying. Anya was in a typical mood and played the "who can push whose buttons worse?" game with daddy, but she still went down OK. I was able to tuck her in and walk out with any laying down in her bed or arguments about that. Of course, she's still awake, so I shouldn't be jinxing anything, but I'm living dangerously- haha! Yep, there goes Baz now...what did I start? Well, I'm a zombie anyway....besides the 5:30 wakeup call, one kid or the other is up a couple of times during the night so I'm screwed anyway. Oh boy, am I looking forward to the teenage know, where all they want to do is sleep? I'm envisioning super-soakers filled with ice water......or maybe I should just let fate work for me and see what THEIR babies bring.

For those wondering, our Disney crew will be about 11 people. Geo and I and the kids, both of our parents, and 3 of his cousins. My sis, her DH and DD were going to go, but it doesn't look like they'll be able to join us (although I'm hoping they will be able to!) This is the main reason I wanted to make our ressies already- a table for 11 is pretty big so I wanted to secure the important ones that go quickly. I'm not trying for Cindy's palace this trip- that was fun, but maybe an every-other trip thing. And Tour Guide Mike is a necessity for anyone visiting the parks....he's a tour guide at the parks who created a website to help you plan your adventures. He has charts of all the park schedules, etc (you can find this on Disney's site), but he provides you with great info on how to attack the rides and not have to wait in line. He also has terrific info on where to sit for the parades and which restaurants to go to, etc. It costs about $20 per vacation and well worth the money!

Both kids had a little fun today playing in the living room....Anya took all the cushions off the couch and chairs and pretended that she was a lion. The furniture was her "cage" so she roamed back and forth. Baz had a blast just following her around and giggling. The first two words out of his mouth every day are "anya"and "daddy". He tries to go back and forth between their rooms to wake them both up in the morning!

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