
Sunday, July 15, 2007

A day at the beach...

Today was a pretty typical Sunday....Baz was up around 6 am, so he and I moved out to the family room to keep him from divebombing Anya or daddy, which is one of his favorite activities. We played and did housework for about an hour until Anya joined up. Now the 3 of us played until 8 or so, when it was time to "release the hounds" on daddy. The kids L-O-V-E jumping all over George in bed to wake him up. This is amusing because George is not what you'd call an early bird or an easy riser- he needs to slowly adapt to the awake world, so being attacked by 2 toddlers is not his way of easing into a Sunday morning. He did survive it, though, and joined us in playing. By now, Baz is about ready for a morning nap, so I put him down and took a few minutes to appreciate our new bed (ahhhhh, do I love our new bed) as he played in his crib before going to sleep. I have to admit, I definitely had a devil/angel thing going on in my head as I decide whether I should exercise or nap and of course the OCD mommy in me knew that if I napped, I'd just feel crappy when I woke up and wouldn't feel productive, so off I went to don my sports bra and sneakers.

It's been quite a while since I've done Burn it Up,mostly due to time constraints....once I go past the 35 minute mark of a workout, George starts asking me how much longer do I have, so an hour is a lot to ask. But I haven't seen a change in the scale in several weeks, so this was it. Like a moron, I really worked hard so even though I felt fine during the workout, I was incapacitated for over an hour afterward. I wasn't sure if I was going to puke or keel over or what, but I felt awful. Thankfully, Anya and George let me lay down for a bit and then I felt great.

Back to the usual Sunday....I made some cinnamon and brown sugar pannycakes and sausage for all of us (by now, Baz was up from his nap) and we started motivating towards our beach trip. Baz has a yucky diaper rash and of course he ate his weight in raisins yesterday, so we kept battling blowouts along the way. He refused to take a little nap before we left (I think he's getting some more molars, so that and the rash made for a cranky boy), so off we went. I really thought we'd only be there for 30-45 minutes. The sand would occupy the kids for a bit, but I figured the water would be too cold and rough for them to play in and they'd lose interest quickly. I was wrong....the water really wasn't much of an attraction- Anya did like watching the waves and being held as they came in, but she was too afraid of getting knocked over (as was mommy) to go in far. Baz clung to me or George for dear life as we carried him toward the water. He did seem to enjoy looking at the waves, but absolutely refused to touch his feet down anywhere close to the beach! The rest of the time was spend digging in the sand....Baz was thrilled to try to cover himself in sand with his little shovel:

And Anya LOVED being buried in the sand and then breaking out. I think she had George bury her 4 or 5 times! The weather really was just perfect- it was in the low 80's and the breeze from the ocean was perfect. Only George got a little sunburn, but I don't think he put sunscreen on, so that's not surprising. I'm glad we took advantage of the beautiful beach that is so close to us since so many people take vacations just to get that. Maybe next time Grandma and Pap-pap will come with us (or even Nana and Dada!).

It's been less than 2 hours since Baz went to sleep and he's already fussing....I think this will be a long night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe next time meri can come with...