
Monday, August 6, 2007

She used her arms!!!

Today was important because Anya's usual swim instructor was sick and she had a fill-in. Although I think Lonette does a fantastic job and Anya LOVES her, Megan manages to get Anya to progress a bit. She had her once before when Lonette was sick and George was impressed with how well Anya responded to Megan. Well, after weeks of prodding her to use her arms, Megan got her to actually do it!! I couldn't believe it when I looked up from chasing after Baz to see Anya pulling those arms up into the air. George and I were the proudest parents in the house!! Of course I realize that it could very well be a one time thing, but for the moment, we're happy! I think Baz sees Saf-T-Swim as his own personal soon as we step in the door, he turns into crazy running baby and doesn't stop until he's strapped into his carseat to go home. He tried to climb the lollipop machine today! We did get about 5 minutes of peace when I gave in and got him a lolly during the lesson, but once he had enough sugar in him, he wanted nothing to do with the stroller and it began again. Why can't he just climb into the stroller like he does at Nana and Dada's and sit happily?

Tomorrow the kids have their checkups- Baz for his weight (pleeeeaaassseee let him be heavier!) and Anya for her lead level. She insists that she'll be "a grown up" and her face won't go white and get sick this time! What a little adult she is sometimes!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Must be a 3 1/2 year plus milestone b/c Caroline finally did it this week too in the pool at the beach.