
Friday, October 31, 2008

Mommy treats

So yesterday I had a very nice treat- a trip to the mall SOLO!!!! The office is super slow lately and I had to return the extra Halloween costume I bought for Lorelei to the Disney store by that night, so I asked my office to just call me if anyone needed to come in and I was off.... I less than 2 hours w/k (without kids), I:
-went to the bank
-went to the post office
-returned the costume (actually, exchanged for some LMQ jammies)
-had a venti pumpkin latte (with skim, but still yumm-o!)- thanks Beth!
-bought some new undies from VS (thanks to a bday freebie they sent me!)
-picked up a free lotion from Bath &Body Works (thanks to a bday freebie!)
-bought some clothes for the kids from Macy's (thanks to some gift cards from one of George's patients!)

Yes, I did run around quite a bit, but it was so nice to only have to get myself in and out of the car, not break up fights, and accomplish soooo many things that needed doing!

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