
Friday, October 31, 2008

Girly girl

Sebastian is still completely in love with Lorelei. The first thing he always does when he's been apart from her is to kiss her forehead...when I pick him up at Colleen's, he asks right away if we can go see Dada and pick up his "girly girl". Awwwwww- so sweet!

Both kids have also learned to identify Styx's Lorelei in about 2 notes. And it's not like we play it often- actually, pretty rarely. Sebastian has asked for it several times this week- "Can I hear Lorelei's song?" For those interested, here's a link:

I think Lorelei is happy to see her sibs, too. This morning, Anya held L on the boppy and almost as soon as she was placed in her sister's arms, L started grinning from ear to ear. Love it!

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