
Monday, October 20, 2008

Life is good!

Lorelei turns one month old tomorrow- how on earth did that happen? I've got to say that although she blended in pretty easily, it feels now like things are settling into our new normal.... I ventured into the hot tub with Anya and Baz yesterday and today and it was HEAVEN! I knew that the time I wouldn't be able to go in would be tough (it really wasn't as bad as I expected- I was too busy worrying about everything else), but what a treat to get back in.

I absolutely love this newborn phase (so many moms say they just want to "get through it" so they can enjoy the more fun babies that can interact more), but it is tiring because you're just about tied to your little person all the time. Now that she's nursing better and taking bottles pretty well, I've gained a little freedom and it feels great. To leave her inside with daddy while I play with the others in our little piece of heaven makes me feel so great!

Work is going well, too....I was stressed about her being fussy and needy as I see patients, but she's been doing fine. She fights the bottle a little bit, but once she eats, she either sits in her swing and just watches whats going on or she sleeps. It makes for a nice day for me since I can easily go about working without being concerned about her.

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