
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ahhhh, behind again

So it seems that I'm back in the sleep deprivation game lately.....Baz was OK for the past 2 nights, but OK means that he was up once during the night and then up for good at 5:30 am. Prior to that, he was up multiple times each night and still up for good at 5:30 (at the latest). Factor in that Lorelei is up at least twice each night and is up for close to an hour each time and you've got one tired momma! My blogging is suffering because once we get the kids down in the evening, I've got about a half hour to sit and try to watch tv before I crash to get my only 3-4 hour stretch of sleep I'm going to get.

I've got a zillion things I'd like to get down, but I'm going to just try to get some of them down!

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