
Sunday, December 7, 2008

10 weeks old

So Lorelei had her 2 month checkup this week. Technically she was 10 weeks old. She weighed in at 13lbs, 2 oz and was 24 inches long, putting her in the 90th percentile for both measurements. Wowsers! I don't think Anya or Baz ever topped the 50th percentile E.V.E.R

She's doing great with development, too....laughing and cooing all the time. I even think she was trying to grab the toys hanging down from her playgym today. She really is such an easy baby...other than the constant spitting up, she eats, sleeps, and smiles. There is no need to constantly hold or rock her- anyone can put her down on her mat or in the swing and she happily starts looking around. She adores her brother and sister and breaks out in huge grins for them.

I'm a little worried about how squirmy she is already- I hope that doesn't mean she'll crawl and walk early. Often when I prop her in her boppy pillow, I turn my back to come and find her lying on the floor!

On the sleep front, she's getting into a fairly good nighttime pattern- she's down in her crib around 8 or 9 and she'll stay asleep until at least 12, sometimes as long as 2! It takes about an hour to feed her (nurse, then bottle if she wants it), change her, and get her back down, but she'll then sleep for 2-3 more hours. if I could jut get Baz to sleep all night, I could so live with that schedule!

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