
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

So here I sit at 5:45am the day before turkey day. I absolutely love having everyone at our house for holidays, but it makes the day before quite busy. I know that this is probably the last time I'll sit down today and I'm hoping to get a little hot tub time later. I like getting most of the preparations done the day before so on thanksgiving, all I have to worry about is getting the turkey in and out of the oven and warming up the rest of the food.

The complicating factor today is that Anya is sick....she finally picked up the cough/cold that Baz (and subsequently George, Lorelei, and I) has had for the past few weeks. She only coughed for the first half of the night, but when I checked her in the middle of the night, she felt a little warm. I'm waiting to see how she feels this morning to see if she can go to school. It's only a half day, but having one less kid to contend with would make my day a little easier. I also hope she feels better because I know how crappy this cold feels! Fingers crossed that Baz stays better!

It's going to be a fun time here this week with Beth, Ben, Isabella and Miles staying with us! We'll have Don and my parents to help, but it could make for some crazy times! We're going to attempt a photo session and Sears too- god help us! I'll just be happy if we get one shot with all 5 kids- asking for 5 smiles is probably just too much. Wish us luck!

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