
Sunday, April 6, 2008


A word to future me (in case I ever actually go back and read this). If for some strange reason, you think you just have to have another baby- ADOPT!!! I'm sure my attitude wil change once I make it to the glorious days of raging heartburn, backaches, SPD, and pure exhaustion, I'll be singing a different tune, but for now, it just plain sucks. I spend a large portion of each day trying to breathe deeply to keep the nausea under control and that's the good days. Granted, I have had a handful of days lately with little or no nausea, but they are far outnumbered by the sick days. Add in the fatigue and mood swings and this is just not pleasant. I am so completely jealous of the women who are able to forget that they're preggo. I don't think I ever get that.

OK- enough about my misery- I just wanted to document that in case I get a case of the baby rabies and somehow only remember the "good" parts (you know, labor and delivery- the END!!!)

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