
Monday, June 9, 2008

Catching up (again....)

Wow- I knew it was a while since I updated, but this is tooooo long. Granted, it's gotten harder and harder to muster the energy even to type a little bit in the evenings. Once the kids are down, I'm down and ready to crash soon. Anyway, enough excuses....what's new????

Anya is still bringing on the morning clothing battles, but this is a new week and I'm hoping for the best. She threw a WHOPPER of a tantrum last week about shoegear and 10 minutes into our ride to work/school, she began crying for me to turn back to get her sneakers. This is about 30-40 minutes into her tantrum, so I'm not about to give in now and I refuse- there's no reason why she can't wear the sandals I finally convinced her to wear. So she continues screaming....I drag a tear-covered, crazy-haired tantruming little girl into my office where she continues to scream fore another 30 minutes before she finally realizes that she's not going to get her way. She agrees to change her outfit to "match" the shoes she had on and that was it. ACK!

The kicker is that as we walked up to her classroom that morning, I saw a new note hanging over the door. It was a poem with the request to only put gym shoes on your kid for school! OMG- I almost died, but it was funny and it has helped with our most recent battles since there's no arguing with the teachers' policies!

Anya has also been increasing her vocabulary lately. In the "hot" tub today (hot is in quotes since it's a bazillion degrees out so I cooled it off to warm pool temps before we got in), she said "I'm so delighted" to see all of the worms crawling around next to the hot tub. She's come out with a good number of similar words or phrases that seems so funny coming from her 4 year old mouth.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Too funny Christine, Madelyn came out with "delightful" the other day and I nearly lost it! Funny how similar they seem about some things! It's amazing to watch them learn new stuff, isn't it? FUN that Baz is communicating so much these days too!