
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Baz is talking!

He's been working on words here or there, most of which are missing the first consonant (ilk for milk, at for cat, etc), but now he's on to 2 or 3 word phrases. Today is was "are you?". He started the morning out looking for Sousa (ie Santa) and saying "sousa are you". It continued throughout the day....adorable! He's also begun chanting "Hi, Anya's kindergarten" as turn the corner to go past her future school.

His Star Wars fascination is also building. I don't think he has a favorite character yet, but he can clearly identify Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, R2, 3PO, Boba Fett, Lando, Vader, Yoda, and maybe a few that I'm forgetting! He also LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (yay for me- I love it too!!!!) and Goofy (Oofy) is by far his favorite! I so hope he isn't too afraid of the characters when we go to Disney so he can enjoy his friends!

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