
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where to's been over a week since I've posted anything-ack! I suppose the biggest news is that Baz is really taking to his big boy bed. He eagerly jumps in each evening and although he plays for a little while, he mostly stays in the bed until he falls asleep. The cute thing is that when I open the door to peek in, he stops playing around and squeezes his eyes shut..."fooling me" already!!!

I've also found that he easily responds to "mommy guilt". Like his sister, he just LOVES being naked, so diaper and clothing changes can be a challenge. Since my patience is limited now, I just can't fight and chase him every time. The other day, I tried a few "pleeeeease"s and it stopped his mischievous laughing. I threw in a little fake crying and my little monkey laid himself down and said "sorry, mommy". OMG, was it cute and clearly a good weapon for my mommy aresnal- gonna keep that one in reserve for the 3rd tri!!

Anya is making an attempt at a pullup-free night. We haven't done this in a while, but I'm not too optimistic. Now that she finally sleeps, she sleeps VERY well and wakes for NOTHING. I fully expect her to wake up in the morning covered in pee from the night. To save myself a little laundry, I convinced her to sleep in her blow-up bed on the floor. That way, if she does wake up during the night, I only have to change her jammies and she can finish the night in her bed. I am certainly not eager to start night wakings for her now that Baz is starting to actually sleep through the night.

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