
Friday, March 21, 2008


Baz is rapidly blooming into a wonderful 2-year old. His speech is better each day and he's always using 2,3, and 4 word phrases. He surprised everyone in the past few days by counting!!! At home, it's usually in the tub, for some reason, and at Nana and Dada's, it's climbing the stairs. Either way, we're thrilled that he's starting with numbers! He's also working on colors, although he frequently says the wrong color.

He still loves pushing the stroller and his baby around the house. He'll wave and say "bye bye, see you later!!"

Thankfully, his ear infection seems to have resolved quickly, although getting the abx in is a treat. It's orange flavored (what kind of idea is that?? What was wrong with bubblegum????), so it's a fight trying to get the small part of his dose in. We only have a couple more days anyway.

He is also picking up some less-favorable 2 year old behavior as well. HIs tantrums are adorable- if he doesn't get what he wants, he first grabs whatever is close to him and throws it to the floor, then he throws himself. Face down. Then cries there for a bit. He's usually over it pretty quickly so far. He's also learning how to bully Anya back. She's always pushed him out of her way as big sisters do, but now he's learning that that goes both ways (as little brothers do). Anya's lucky because he's still smaller than her, but her time will come!

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