
Sunday, August 17, 2008

4 days and counting......

Anya has been with Grandma and Pap-Pap for 4 days now and there's no sign of homesickness in sight! I'm not surprised in the least, but you never know what to expect with kids, so I'm happy that she's having fun. The first couple of days were a little challenging for the grands because both Anya and Isabella are developing their strong personalities as they're both learning to share, so there were many scuffles to break up. It sounds like there was lots of playing as well and they both miss each other now that they're apart, so all in all I think it was a good time.

I do know that Grandma and Pap-Pap are able to relax a little more now that they're only responsible for one child, who hopefully is behaving and cooperating. Mom and Dad most definitely are relaxing a little more than usual, though not completely since we still have to keep CLOSE tabs on our little monkey man! He's noticed a couple of times that Anya's not here, but other than asking to say hi to her on the phone, he's not really bothered by her absence. It's too bad that he went and broke his foot now because we'd like to do some activities or something special just for him, but just about everything we can think of can't be done while wearing a cast!

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