
Friday, February 27, 2009

State of the Household

Well, it's been 2 weeks since my last update and I don't think I even finished that one- ugh..... Here's hoping I can get in a few memorable moments now!

Lorelei is happily sleeping away on her belly now....she's been rolling like a log for a couple of weeks now, but she's really only good at rolling from her back to her belly. She's only rolled onto her belly in her crib once or twice before today and has always woken up from it until I roll her back. This afternoon, she was quiet for an unusually long time, so I peeked in and saw her with her cheek on the mattress. So I suppose that's a done deal now- she can sleep on her belly and maaayyyybe she'll sleep through her one wakeup now- could I be that lucky? (Of course, the answer is a resounding no since I mentioned her good habit, which means she'll immediately sleep horribly)

OK- that's the end of my time.....try again later!

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