So this is what my life has been for the past two weeks :) My intents of having L sleep in the crib from day 1 were tanked by the searing pain in my belly every time I tried to move. Luckily, I was able to situate on the couch like this for the first 12 days of her life and be able to nurse her all night and be comfortable- yay!!! Of course, Baz couldn't spend a night away from Mama (the 2 that I was in the hospital were bad enough), so he inevitably found his spot at my feet with the boppy as his pillow and everyone was happy! Now that my belly is feeling better and the shoulder pain has subsided, I've relocated into our bed, but that's bringing its own issues. L only has one good spell where she sleeps for 2-3 hours and that's typically ending around midnight, so after that she's up and down nursing for the rest of the night. Factor in Baz (or Anya sometimes) coming into our bed and I can't just lie on my side and nurse L. I'm really hoping one of these days Baz realizes that sleep at night is GOOD and just stays in his bed all night long!
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