So Lorelei went in today for a 2 week check since her weight last week wasn't fantastic. She was born weighing 8lbs, 11 oz and discharged from the hospital on day 3 at 7lbs, 15 oz and then up a few ounces to 8lbs, 1oz at 13 days old. As a result, we made an appt for today (2 weeks) to make sure she regained to her birth weight....nope, no such luck. She gained a measly 2 ounces to 8lbs, 3oz, which is not enough. I'm bummed because I really thought that she was nursing well- I can feel a letdown, there's always milk in her mouth when she pulls off, and I can clearly hear and see her sucking and swallowing. I've even been able to pump an ounce several times, which is not bad for under 2 weeks.
She does spit up frequently.....with almost each feeding she spits fresh milk and regardless of whether she burps or not, she spits up old milk afterward. The ped is a little concerned about some sort of blockage or reflux, although her symptoms don't exactly coincide with either of those. First we're ruling out an issue with my supply and I've called 2 LC's and can hopefully be seen today or tomorrow. One is a pediatrician who also does lactation consulting- how cool is that?
Otherwise, she seems fine- she had her Hep B shot today and handled it very well- go Ladybug!
Oh, and here's a pic of little Lorelei:
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