Sunday was going to be a nice casual day at home, but we found out about another Halloween event at a local Amusement park, so we went there instead- lots of walking and pretty tiring day (at least for a momma who's still recovering from surgery!)
Monday was Anya's follow up with the orthopod, so I had to take her to Colleen's and the smaller kids to Nana and Dada's, then take her to her visit and we all went out to dinner for my bday. Not physically hard, but a looooong day.

Tuesday was the first day that all 3 kids had to go to different places and Anya's Marvelous Me box was due and we didnt' quite finish it up. So that morning was crazy- I think I ran back into the house about 15 times to get things I had forgotten, but eventually we were off. I distinctly remember thinking that morning about what a sense of accomplishment I feel each morning as I pull into the office. I've fed, dressed, packed up, and dropped of 2-3 kids (with the help of my wonderful DH, of course) and by 9 (or 8), I'm ready for work. The rest of that day was pretty uneventful, I think!
Wednesday should have been a break since the cleaning people were coming, but I always try to have the clutter cleared up so they can clean everything and I like to get ahead of the laundry then. As a result, I worked harder that I do my "work" days! But I did have a fabulously clean house and mostly clean clothes to show for it!
Thursday is my long day at work so I have a lot of packing and planning to do, but since the office was slow, it turned out to be a nice day for me. Once Anya got off the bus, I packed the kiddoes up to go to the high school for trick or treat street. It went quite smoothly, except for the fact that it cost $5/kid and I had no cash! I checked the school's website before we went specifically for that reason and there was no mention of any cost- ack! Thankfully, the kids working there let me write a check and all was good. Anya was a pro by now and went up to each station and said "trick or treat!' Baz was pretty confused, but he managed to follow his sister around and make out with some good candy.
Today (Friday) is working out well, but it has been busy....after getting Anya on the bus, I packed up the little kids and went to BJ's. Our poor cats have been hungry for 2 days now since their food ran out, but they are now fed! Baz was disappointed that the butler was gone, but it wasn't a huge deal. After a short stop at home, we went to Anya's school to read her favorite book to the class (Knuffle Bunny) and listen to her answer questions about herself from her classmates. Baz was thrilled to be in her classroom and couldn't decide if he wanted to sit next to Anya in front of the class or on the floor with her friends! He definitely couldn't get enough of watching the fish! After that, I took Baz and Lorelei to Wendy's for lunch (and to kill some time) before we went back to Anya's school for their Halloween parade. Baz went right up to the playground, which thankfully was close enough to the parade that he could play. I snapped a few shots of our "vampire" girl and we were on our way! Tonight will just be trick or treating (I think), then bed.

Saturday will be another looooong early, so we all have to be up and out by 7am. George and the kids have to then go to the masonic temple to set up for the party later, then we have to take Anya to a bday party that afternoon. In the evening, we have Dada's party and ceremony that starts at 8pm- definitely gonna be a late night!
I'm really hoping that Sunday is a nice, quiet day!!!
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