Day 6- Monday
This one was definitely a hectic day. Rather than sit quietly on the couch and let my belly heal, I had to get out to a few doctor's appts.....first I dropped Baz with Nana and way could I chase him in addition to getting everyone in and out of the car! Then, Anya and I headed to the ped to weigh Lorelei.... this wasn't so bad, but getting in and out of the van and taking the stroller and baby carrier in and out were a bit tough. As we were finishing up there, Anya had to rush to the bathroom because she had diarrhea- ack! Now my day got a little more complicated!
Next was the xray place for Anya's arm....thankfully the waiting room was mostly empty since L was ready to eat (of course, she was only 6 days old- she ate ALL.DAY.LONG). Luckily, my nursing in public skills have gotten pretty good, so it wasn't even that hard to nurse a newborn in the waiting room. EXCEPT for the diarrhea....another emergency visit to the bathroom (and a few deep breaths for mommy who just couldn't hold Anya's little bum over the seat so she had to sit directly on it) and that trip was fairly easy.
Now we had a little time before the ortho visit, so we stopped at Target for a few necessities and some lunch. Yeah, besides the in and out of the van, walking around Target is good for healing, right? The ortho visit was good- she was healing fine, had her cast padded a bit, and we were on our way....
A little visit with Nana and Dada while L nursed yet again and we headed home. It was a long day and definitely required some pain meds after, but I really didn't feel so bad afterward.
Day 7- one week old!!!!
I don't remember many (any?) details of this day anymore, but I'm pretty sure this is the day that I sent Baz to Colleen's so I could finally get some rest. Because of my hospital stay, he was a bit clingy and even though he had talked happily about going to Colleen's to play with the kids, as soon as we pulled up, the tears/screaming started. So what happens to sore, tired, sleep deprived mommy who already feels guilty about dropping off her baby boy when he starts crying "don't go mommy"? You guessed it....mommy starts crying too. Now I've got an infant in her stroller and I KNOW I can't pick up a thrashing toddler and carry him in...... Luckily, Colleen spotted this happening and came to my rescue. I told her I was really OK, just couldn't control my stupid hormones, so she grabbed him and ran. I found out later that (as I suspected), he stopped crying shortly after I left and played happily the rest of the day. In fact, when George went to pick him up that afternoon, he didn't want to leave.
I was able to spend much of that day just sitting on the couch and sleeping- much needed!
Friday, October 17, 2008
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