Saturday was a typical work day- laden with foot-related emergencies that kept me super busy until 1:30 or 2, then a trip to the indoor park and dinner at the Ground Round. I was a little nervous about that because we sat down early (just before 5pm) to avoid subjecting other diners to Baz's dinnertime antics, but the place was eerily deserted. I had visions of waiting eons for our food, but it actually went fairly smoothly and the kids mostly behaved. We even scored free desserts because they were cashing out the register prior to the dinner rush!
Sunday, we went north to hang out with our friend Jon at the Palisades mall. The kids enjoyed their first ferris wheel ride and even sat still. I was a little concerned about Baz, but he was so interested in looking around that he didn't try to escape from George's arms! You can see in these pics how much the kids enjoyed the carrousel! They had fun at Dave & Buster's, too....Baz had no interest in fries, but couldn't get enough of daddy's Cajun Chicken Pasta. I was just happy that we could all sit together and eat our meals like civilized human beings. Eating in shifts as one parent chases the monkey and the other shovels food in as fast as possible gets old really quickly. Both kids did in
Monday was just nonstop action- I made the mistake of starting off with Turbo Sculpt- owie!!!! I followed that up with cutting the grass- not really that challenging, but not sitting restfully in my massage chair either. Tack on cleaning a few floors and I was hurting for the rest of the day.
The most notable change in the kids lately is their interest in playing together. They managed to both use the sandbox together and seemed to enjoy it! They are playing in their playhouse together and are chasing each other around more and more. I'll tag on a short video of them playing ball together- Anya intiated this one on her own!!!
I'm still coming to terms with Anya starting school this week. She's so incredibly excited that I know she'll have a ball, but I still have to get used to the idea of having a school-aged child!
Baz is still working on cutting about 4 teeth and he was up a million times last night- momma needs some sleep!!!!
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