
Thursday, September 13, 2007

No tantrums!!!

OK- well, there may have been tantrums, but I was off at work for them. Really, Anya was very well-behaved today, but the majority of her time was spent with Grandma and Pap-pap and her tantrums are generally saved for me- woohoo- how lucky I am! She spent a good amount of time painting and coloring and refining her skills. She also collected several bugs and slugs (a really hugely gigantic one- ick!) to put in her new bughouse. Oh, how happy I am to have these creatures sharing our home!

Baz is continuing to pick up on most words we say to him. He's also giving so many hugs and kisses, it just melts my heart! He was a *little* better last night- only 3 wakeups, 2 of which were after I went to sleep. His reaction to my mom going to him was the same as when George tries to calm him down (crying even harder and reaching past them to where I am), but he calmed down immediately when I came in.

I love how much he loves his grandfathers.....he loves everyone else too, don't get me wrong, but when my parents pulled up yesterday, he squealed with glee and ran full-tilt to my dad. He also seems to be the only other person (besides daddy, of course) who Baz will turn to and ask to be picked up while standing next to me. In any other situation, mommy is the ONLY one who may pick him up! And whenever I tell him we're going to see Nana and Dada, he chants "dada, dada" over and over and over.

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