These were the only pics we could snap as Anya rushed out of the house this am. She was so excited to be wearing her new backpack! She had a good time at school and is gearing up to be a teenager already. Her response to "what did you do today?" was "nothing" without missing a beat. Great.... After some prodding, I found that she did in fact play on the playground and she may or may not have talked to any of the other kids. I've already become the irresponsible mommy- I was 7 (yes, 7!) minutes late to pick her up and she was the last kid sitting there and the school had already called George to make sure we were coming to get her! So we were late to drop her off and late to pick her up....for anyone who doesn't know me.... I HATE HATE HATE being late and I try to hard to avoid it. I'm not hung up on it, but I feel like started off poorly, but I don't think ANya was bothered in the least.
Here's a cute little video of Baz and a couple new words..he started repeating broccoli when we were in the store buying it and he sounds so cute. You can see from the action shots how difficult it is to get this kid to sit still for ANY length of time. I am so happy each time I finish changing a poopy diaper where I don't have to wash the changing table cover or anthing else that gets pooped on when he struggles!
And I'm proud to announce that I've been awarded a Nice Matters Award.....I'm a nice blogger! THanks Erika!!! I really don't have anyone else to tag since you tagged our friends already, so I hope that doesn't impact my internet karma!!!

1 comment:
Somehow I knew Anya would be just fine on her first day - that little girl is just so into that kind of stuff. She looks so excited - I love it!
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