For those who don't know, Anya and C have been best buds since she started going to Colleen's.
They're just 3 months apart in age and their personalities click. This weekend, he turned 4 and we celebrated with him! The interesting part of the whole party was the dynamic change....his parents rented an 18-foot blowup slide and Anya was TERRIFIED. We had played on the same slide at a previous party, but she would only go down with me. Well, this one was only being used by the kids, so parents going on wasn't really an option. Funny thing was that C, who is usually incredibly timid, couldn't get up to the top fast enough. Anya was left down below playing with the other toys (not unhappily- she loved the bouncy house and his bajillion other toys!). C's parents were very lucky to have 2 13-year old boys in the adjacent yard who were willing to help the smaller kids navigate the slide. These kids were amazing- most 13 year old boys want nothing to do with 3 and 4 year-olds, let alone babies, but these guys were taking Baz up time after time and helping him get down safely! They eventually convinced Anya to give it a try, too and she actually enjoyed it. It was just interesting to see her afraid of something for once!
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