
Friday, July 20, 2007

Each day as the kids do cuter and cuter things, I make mental notes of what I have to write her,but once they're in bed and it's MY time, those thoughts are gone with the wind......lemme try to remember what happened today..... I'm very glad that it's time for my physical next week- I think my thyroid is off again, unless maybe I'm just recovering from a bad sleep week. I've felt so completely exhausted all day today, even after I exercised. Usually, a good workout peps me up and keeps me going until I crash on the couch, but I've felt like I needed toopicks to prop my eyelids open all day. We did manage to have some fun anyway....after waking at 5:30 (ugh), Baz and I ran around for an hour or so before Anya joined us. I think he dreams about cars and pushing around his carts because that's all he wants to do when he wakes up. Not a great thing to do when half the household is still sleeping! Thankfully, I managed to redirect him to the kitchen/family room until Anya starting getting up.

Anya woke up asking for scrambled eggs with ketchup. Having gone down this road before, I asked her SEVERAL times "Are you SURE you're going to eat them?" "yes, mommy" "Are you really, really sure?" "yes,mommy" Ok, so I cave and let her help me make scrambled eggs with cheese, still not believing that she will actually eat them, but hopeful since it would be a nice addition to our boring breaky choices. Guess what.....after 1 whopping bite, her stomach was full. AAAARRGGGGHHH. I informed her that she wouldn't be eating anything else until she at least put a dent in the eggs, but I think we both forgot about that promise. Baz also had zero interest in eggs- that got super-quick tongue push out of his mouth.

Anya's game of the past few days is that she's a sick animal (she emptied out her giant teapot storage bin to puke in) and I'm taking care of her. Do you think we've dealt with too much puke around here? My mom also came up with a good restful game along these lines....the animal needs surgery, so she gets some anesthesia and "sleeps" while the other person performs the surgery. When I'm the surgeon, she needs LOTS of work, and I even need more when I get to be the victim!!! WTG mom!

Baz is working on cutting his one-year molars....poor little guy woke up so unhappy from his nap today, but thanks to a little orajel and some Motrin, he was back to his giggly self. He and I laughed so hard for about 20 minutes when I was getting him to bed. I held him in the rocker and made silly faces and he thought that was the funniest thing ever. It is so easy to make him laugh and you can't help but laugh with him. It really felt good after a long and tiring day.

We did have some outside time today- I wanted to take the kids out somewhere, but just couldn't muster the energy, so we played in our yard- duh, why did I think of that in the first place? We had our lunch on a blanket for an impromptu picnic and then chased butterflies. I really have to take some video of Anya running full-tilt after a moth with her little net in hand. I still don't know how she manages to catch any, but she sure does! Oh, and we have a slug missing in the house....eeeeewwwwww.....she caught one Wed with my dad and promptly (and without supervision, of course) closed it up in a tupperware (thankfully a disposable one). Problem is that the next morning, the tupperware was empty. None of us are sure how that happened because it appeared to be sealed, but still- the slug is/was gone. I'm certainly not eager to find that one.

I'm working on teaching Anya how to deal with her anger- she has quite the came out today when I took away a little wooden clapper that she was shaking right in Baz's face (and actually hitting him with it at times). WHen I took it away from her, she immediately got very angry and started hitting my legs. I told her to go to her TO chair or I would put the clapper in "jail" THis prompted more hitting, so into jail went the clapper. She continued to scream and hit, so next was a box of princesses. I suppose she didn't think I would stick to it, so it took another princess case or 2 before she calmed down and went to her chair. Once she stopped crying and settled down, I sat near her and talked it through with her. She told me "I try to be good, but I just don't know how sometimes" Holy cow- where did she hear that! It was funny because she was trying to say exactly what would get her "off the hook", but I'm onto her....she's already trying to work us! I'm so not looking forward to the preteen and teen years!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Sounds like a very fun time at your house! And hope your check-up tells you something. I was going to ask about thyroid or something with you awesome attempts at losing weight and being stalled....I hope that is it!