Our newest toddler is running full-throttle into the terrible twos.....he's still happy and giddy most of the time and occasionally can be distracted with a shiny object, but try to change that diaper and he's greased lightening! And forget about telling him no....he used to put up a feeble fight for a few seconds and move on to something more interesting. Not now- he can and will scream until he gets his point across. Luckily for me, I can tune out screaming like the best of moms. He also has the "boneless"move down pat. I really worry that he will wiggle free one of these days and get dropped on his head. He kept me running at the doctor's office today- thankfully, we didn't have to leave the waiting room- just picking up some papers and getting labwork, but he pushed the limits of that room! He also spent some time flirting with some other patients- that at least slowed him down for a while.
I did manage to get some ice cream into him...Anya ate just about all of her chocolate ice cream cone and he had a good portion of a hot fudge sundae. The problem is that I had to eat the rest...can't throw something like that out! Good thing I did Kick, Punch, and Jam today!
Anya just about pushed me to throttle her ala Homer today......I packed both kids and their bags into the car, buckled them in, and returned to the house to get the keys. We've lived dangerously since we got the van by only having 2 sets of keys (one for each of us), but I'm usually pretty good about putting them where they belong. So when I went to grab them and they weren't there, I got a little worried. OK- check some other places...purse,nope....diaper bags, nope....pockets from yesterday, nope.....ask Anya, nope....call George,nope....cursory check of the garbage since Baz's new thing is to put things in there, nope....finally, I give up....I'll deal with finding them later,but I have to get the kids out of the car and call the doc to cancel....as I go to unbuckle ANya, she says "mommy, I know where your keys are" WHAT?!?!?!?! "They're in my room under my easel" Off I run to see if this is truth or simply what she thinks will make me happy. Turns out, there they are.....I'm happy to not have to deal with lost keys, but fuming that I had to look frantically for so long. In her defense, she told me that she didn't remember at first, but later it "came to her mind". OH well....it turned out fine.
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