Anya had a little spill at the park today and decided to play the mommy guilt game. As soon as we walked up to the park, a little girl came running right up and asked Anya to play with her. THey were just about the same age, so off they went and had a ball. They were the only kids there, so I was able to chase Baz around and just keep an eye on Anya. At one point, she must have been climbing down from the playground and lost her footing and fell. I heard her cry right away and of course I felt horrible that I wasn't there, but I could also tell that this wasn't a huge hurt- more of a scare. Her first words to me were "I was alone" ,followed by "you weren't there". LUckily, I wasn't tired or hormonal so I could get past it and focus on making her feel better. The promise of some a/c in the van, followed by a trip to Sam's club and a hot pretzel dried her tears pretty quickly!
We had another attempt at capturing butterflies today and she actually managed to get 2 of them. One is probably flying around inside the house because I wasn't there to help her trasnfer it from her net to her "cage". The second is happily outside again....Anya made a tent from an overturned sippy cup and there the moth lived until Baz woke up from his nap. He just loves playing with empty cups, bowls, pots, measuring cups, etc etc so I had to free the moth before there was another about the house.
Baz has added a few words to his vocab lately....stroller, Dora (doodah), Backpack to name a few. He's mostly hung up on Daddy, hot, up, and quack....oh yes, and clock....he can spot one of those from a mile away. Put a clock on a car and he's in heaven!!!
Here are the newest members of our family:
ANd what home is complete without a Star Wars Pachinko game?
It looks much cooler in person- bright lights, etc! I'm not sure what the point is, but it's neat to look at!
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