
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here comes trouble!!!!

Baz is galloping into the terrible twos, but not because of tantrums. He's just getting curious and mischievous. Over the weekend, we had to start keeping the bathroom doors closed at ALL times. Why? Because his new favorite pastime is using the cup that holds the toilet brush to scoop water out of the toilet and spill it on the floor- eeeeeewwwwwww!!!! He also loves to flush the toilet and unroll the TP, but I can live with those- not the play with the brush and cup- ugh.

We had to break out the drill this morning when he figured out how to close (and lock) Anya's door. For some reason, the little hole in the middle of the handle wouldn't unlock it, so we had to actually take the knob off to get in. Luckily, Baz was happily playing on the other side of the door- that could have been a nailbiter if he was hurt or screaming!


Erika said...

Oh geez!! Sounds like a burgeoning 2 year old! I can't believe he locked Anya's door! Bryce hasn't figured that one out yet, thankfully!

Dawn said...

Hmm...I think he and Sienna could get into TONS of trouble together! How crazy that he figured out how to lock the door!