
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fun day

Today was just a fun day. After crashing SUPER early last night and only having to get up once with Baz, I didn't have to get out of bed until almost 6am! I first heard him fussing around 5:30, but since it wasn't terrible screaming, I ignored it as best I could until 6. In my pre-mommy days, 6am would NOT have been a great wakeup time, but now I'm thrilled with it! Both kids woke up happy and cooperative and George even let me get my workout in before he left. I'm such a happy camper when I can get my exercise over with early- I can then really start my day (coffee, etc- if I eat or drink prior to exercise, it's barf-city).

Before lunch, I managed to plan the rest of the day, do the usual cleanup stuff (empty dishwasher, fold laundry, make beds, pick up toys), organize the kitchen drawers AND shelves (this has been bothering me for weeks) and deal with the papers, etc (has also been nagging me). Once Baz went down for a nap, I had time to read stories to Anya, play with her a bit, and even take a shower!!!

We had a nice trip to the park after lunch (although it was cooooooold) and both kids played with the 2 little girls brave enough to endure the nippy wind. Dinner, bath, and bed also went smoothly. It was just a nice day and I felt like I accomplished all of my goals and even had a little time for myself.

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