
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Puke, puke, and more puke

The result of Anya's fingers in her mouth (or so we think) was the pukefest that began yesterday morning. Based on her previous history of motionsickness, I figured that she was carsick when she threw up on the way to Colleen's. Colleen is aware of this as well and happily agreed to keep Anya (after I changed her, of course). So I spent the morning running back and forth from the laundromat to wash and dry the carseat cover and scrubbing the straps and buckles in my office. Thanks to ANya's stomach, I've gotten quite good at cleaning all the nooks and crannies!

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of the story as she resumed puking last night.....and then this morning...... She missed school and her field trip and I had to cancel work (which luckily wasn't too bad because of the field trip). It was a long day since I had no idea just how long this bug would last- I think our last episode was the one that ended in the ER with iv fluids and Zofran. Oh yeah, and pre-ecclampsia for me! (ALthough I don't think that's right- it can't be 18 mos since our last tummy bug). Anyway, besides worrying about keeping up on her fluids, I'm worrying about keeping Baz from getting it and counting the minutes until George and I get it. So far so good, although I've been fairly queasy for most of the day- I'm hoping that's just psychological.

The nice thing is that ANya's teacher said she can come to school tomorrow if she's feeling OK and that we can go to the field trip with the MWF kids- yay!!! I know this is good news for Grandma and Pap-Pap because it means they can go too! Now to make sure the sickies stay away from the rest of us! I've also heard lots of people talk about the current bug going around having a relapsing-remitting pattern where your symptoms subside for a day or two and then return. I truly hope this doesn't happen!

I knew Anya was back to her usual self this evening when she started fighting Baz at storytime. She chose his big book of trucks and vehicles to read and then struggled with him as he turned the pages back to see his favorites. After telling her twice to stop fighting that we would manage to read the whole book, she pushed the cardboard page really hard so that it hit Baz in the face. I took the book away and told her that was the end of that book and the tantrum commenced. I remained firm and watched as Baz stared at her bemusedly. She finally backed away from her door so I could let him out and he marched into his room. I picked up his sippy and sat in the rocker with him as Anya continued with her spinner. Apparently Baz had had enough of her screaming because he slid off of my lap, walked over to his door, closed it, and came back to me. It really was comical!

Anya stopped her screaming long enough to give Baz a kiss (I know- the germs....but she INSISTED and they always give each other goodnight kisses), then began again when I closed his door. It finally ended when I said firmly "I said no and that's what I mean". Not that I wasn't firm before that, but for some reason it worked! She turned off the drama and we finished our bedtime routine sans incident!

We could use some good thoughts that the sickies stay away if anyone has some spares!!!

1 comment:

Erika said...

How's she doing? Poor kid! There is a puking cloud over your house. If there's a barf virus to be caught, somehow your family catches it. I really hope everything has improved and no one else got sick!