Our day started out great- Baz actually slept until 6:45 am and woke up chanting "daddy, daddy, daddy" and to my delight, Daddy actually responded when I elbowed him. I got to sleep until 8am!!! Woohoo!!! Of course, I was up for a while with Baz in the middle of the night, but I'm pretty sure I slept from 2am until 8- that's 6 hours straight!
We successfully packed and loaded the kids up and dropped them off with Nana and Dada in time to make Harriet's funeral. Of course, our condolences go out to that entire family- she was a wonderful and strong woman and she will be sorely missed. George and I then enjoyed a child-free breaky (ruining my chance of repeating my goal weight that I reached today- yay!!!!) and went to pick up the kids.
I read in the paper this morning that Stony Brook was having trick or treating in their historic town as they did 2 years ago, when we took Anya. Anya absolutely insisted that George and I dress up and since the last time we went, many of the parents were dressed as well, so we agreed. Unfortunately, the listing I read was only for the scarecrow exhibits in the town- T or T ing was only at the museum down the street. So we amused the handful of people wandering about the town and let the kids look at the scarecrows before loading back into the van. Amazingly, Anya wasn't too upset about not getting to T or T today- I think she's just happy to have any dress-up opportunity. And she really did look cute as Cinderella bunny!
1 comment:
OMG look how cute you guys look! Love that you and George got dressed up too.
Cinderella Bunny - that Anya! She's like Boots when he couldn't decide to be.
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