
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I know I really lucked out with Anya, but until today, my worst poop incidents were the one or two times that ANya pooped in tub as a baby. Not fun, but really not such a big I made the mistake of putting Baz down for his morning nap with only a diaper and his pj top. He had a minor blowout in his morning dipe, so after I changed that, I let him run around without bottoms until his nap. I thought I would save myself a little laundry since he probably would have spilled something on that outfit. Big mistake.....instead, I went in to pick up my bundle of joy after his nap and he's taken his diaper off and smeared the poop on his aquarium. Ugh.....the upside of this is that the sheet on his bed was fairly torn up along the edges and was ready for the garbage already, so I just tossed that. Luckily, there were no brown marks anywhere on his face and he cooperated in the shower, so it was a quick fix, but definitely no treat. I feel for the moms who have to deal with this on a more regular basis. I will make sure to always cover his diaper with a onesie or pants of some sort!

We visited the aquarium with my parents today and everyone had a ball. Baz loved the fishies and said so repeatedly. The sea lion show was short and sweet, which was good because there was no shade in the amphitheater. Baz always amazes me at how he can rebound from sleep exhaustion....he was so tired and fussy, but as we made our way out of the place, he was running, laughing and screaming and having a ball! Of course, we had to pay a price in the van as he screamed his head off before he crashed, but compared to Anya and her sleep issues, I'll take it!

Anya is developing a love for original Disney works....she actually requested Mickey shorts in black and white today- yay! I love the new MIckey Mouse Clubhouse show, so I always put that on for them- go Disney!!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said... know we've been there! I hope this is your first and LAST poop smearing incident!