
Monday, August 13, 2007

Busy busy

I haven't had time to sit, let alone blog lately so my posts have dwindled, but I'm hoping to get back on track, but probably not until tomorrow...I'm beat tonight! Anya is still running on fumes, so bedtime tonight was challenging....she insisted that she wasn't tired, but wouldn't read or play in bed until she fell asleep. Instead, she chose to throw a tantrum and cry for 15 minutes or so...which did help her drift off faster, I suppose, but still not fun!

We had a great time at Isabella's party on Sat..the cousins played together great, although I'm not sure Baz really enjoyed being bossed around by 2 bigger girls! He helped Isabella break in some of her toys and there were only a few scuffles. We got some nice pics- I'll add them later when I get a chance to go through them.

Baz has taken a new interest in LIttle came in handy when he started getting restless on the drive. I'd just start patting my legs (as they do to help the rocket take off) followed by reaching into the air and saying "blastoff" and he was happily joining in. We did many rounds of that, but it was well worth it!

Anya has been demonstrating her memory skills by remembering the tiniest details. SHe told George yesterday about the car that looked like Flo (from the movie Cars) that we passed on the way to Dominic's party on Thursday. We only passed that car, so she saw it for a grand total of about 20 seconds, but it stayed in her head!

I'm going to try to think of interesting things to write about tomorrow to make this more interesting...hopefully I get some sleep tonight so my brain works better tomorrow!

1 comment:

Erika said...

I think Anya's out to be a car buff. Before you know it she'll be telling you the year and make of all the cars she sees. (Guys will love her!)