Well, another long Sunday is over....I think that Sunday is becoming my least favorite day of the week....sleep in? Yeah, right....Baz doesn't care what day it is.....the LATEST he gets up is 6:30. Today, he tried to get up at 5am, but I let him run around his room for a few minutes, take a few sips of milk, and put him back down- thank GOD!! When both kids got up around 6:30, I at least felt halfway rested for once. Of course, the rest of the day was spend moving from one task to another as I cleaned up behind them over and over and over.....it's even worse now that Baz insists on feeding himself. It's great because I can feed myself now, but the mess he makes is crazy. And his signal that he's done? To smear everything across his tray and then toss it all to the floor. I think I swept our kitchen about 5 times today and it STILL looks dirty! Oh well- there will come a time that I'll miss this!
There are a lot of great things, too....we spent a lot of time in the pool this weekend. Anya has become quite a fish and really enjoys swimming. She asks us to go further and further away from her so she can show us how far she can swim. If only she'd use her arms and take breaths...then she'd own the pool! She and George have been playing "challenge" where her comes up with some task for her to perform. She loves when he holds up the pole for the vacuum and she has to touch it as she jumps in. SHe also dives for her toys or flowers and swims for certain lengths. She also has lost her fear of jumping in. She'll jump in by herself and swim to the side. This makes me feel a lot more secure about her pool safety. Now for Baz!
He, on the other hand, has opened a whole new door for mommy angst. He climbs everything! He's been getting up and down from the couches a lot lately, as well as getting up on the kitchen chairs. He sprung a new one on me the other day....Anya and I were cutting up apples at the counter, using her stepstool. I didn't think twice about leaving it where it was because he's shown no interest at all in it. We all went back to Baz's room to play and eventually, he ran out to the kitchen. We do let him run around the house a bit since we thought it was pretty babyproofed, but thankfully I didn't leave him for too long. When I got into the kitchen, that monkey had climbed up the stepstool and onto the stove!!!! Holy cow- did I have a heart attack! He just looked at me a laughed...yeah, right...very funny! Luckily, he didn't get hurt, but there were so many perils there....needless to say, he'll be very closely watched from now on!
The kids had a nice sibling moment today....Anya picked up the Wiggles book we have with buttons you push to play short clips of their songs. Baz is in love with the Wiggles, so he came over and sat next to her and giggled as she read and pushed the buttons. He's such a dancer...the slightest bit of any tune and he's bopping away! He joined me in my exercise routine today....he'd come into the kitchen to see what was happening on my DVD player, then put his hands in the air and bounce up and down! As if he needs to lose weight!
We have a lot of birthdays this week...Grandma Helen tomorrow, Nana on Wed, Isabella on Thursday, and Dominic's party on Thurs (not sure if that's his actual bday or not)....August seems to be a big bday month...I feel bad for all those mothers who spent the final days of their pregnancies in the heat of the summer! I was lucky that neither of mine ended in the summer...with Anya, I was preggo during the summer, but I wasn't big yet and I don't think that summer was particularly hot.....