
Thursday, March 26, 2009


Where do I start with Bazzy boy? Well, his name is a good place- last night in the tub, he corrected me when I said something to Lorelei. "Her name is Lorelei Dawn". OK- my mistake!! So I asked him what his full name was..."Baz" No, your REAL name...."Bazzy boy...B-A-Z". Yeah, well that's adorable and all, but not your name, kid! So I asked him to repeat me...Se-bas-tian....he couldn't/wouldn't do it! Not Sebastian, Thomas, or E!!!! I am pretty sure that he's called Sebastian frequently enough that he should at least recognize it, but we've got to work on that!

I don't think I've blogged about his funny favorite is "wardy" This is Baz-speak for "already" . I'm not sure why, but that's how he responds when you ask him to do something that he's already done. "I wardy brushed my teeth!". "Crocked" is another....that's how he refers to a CD that is's crocked, which I think is a cross between cracked and scratched. He also points out "telephone parrot trucks" when he sees them!

Baz has been very into friends lately....which kids are and are not his friends. He wants everyone to be his friend (awwwww), but unfortunately he's got a couple of kids at Colleen's who are not of the same mind. One kid, B, often calls him "bad boy", even though Baz is probably one the better kids there. Luckily, B's little brother (who is closer in age to Baz), is sweet and plays very well with Baz. There's a little girl, J, who happens to have an older brother who went to pre-K with Anya, who is also kinda mean to Baz. We're not surprised since the brother was a troublemaker of sorts and often had scuffles with Anya, but we had hoped it would be isolated to the kid, not his sister, too. It sucks because Baz is so sweet and what can I tell him when he says that J is mean and makes him cry :( George had an elegant solution....."She's a girl, so you can't hit her back (when she hits him) call her fat!" Because every 3 year old girl is concerned about her weight, right? Anyway, I hope that these little situations prepare him to deal with tougher situations later on.

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