
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

I suppose this should be labelled "The Christmas of Puke" since that's what it really was....early in the day on Xmas Eve, I spoke briefly with Ben as he changed Miles who was actively puking and that did it.... while we were at Jerry's house for his yearly Christmas Eve party, Anya complained of her belly hurting. She assured me that she didn't feel sick or like she was going to puke, but she was insistent on going home. I thought she was bored, but we did have a lot to do that night, so we packed up and left.

WHAMMO....halfway home, the barf started flowing., in addition to wrapping and arranging all of the kids' prezzies and stockings, I have to change and bathe Anya and prepare her bed for a puking kid....I also have to get her puke-covered carseat out of the van to minimize the stench.

Luckily, that was the last barf of that night, but there were still 2+ more days of puke to come....poor kiddo!

Christmas morning was pretty subdued....Baz enjoyed opening all of his prezzies and didn't seem upset that Anya wasn't there to join him. She felt so awful that she didn't even get out of bed and wasn't interested in opening her presents in bed! Once Baz finished opening his gifts, George offered to make up some pancakes, which led us to a lovely discovery.....

The kitchen sink drain was clogged! Not what you want to have when you've got 12 people coming over later!!! So after being covered in puke, we now were covered in dirt, etc as we took apart the pipes under the sink to snake and drano the drain. Thankfully, the plug opened up, but it took some doing!

So after warning everyone that we had a barfing kid and giving them the out (I don't want to make anyone sick or be blamed for such!), we set about cleaning up and getting ready. Talk about 2 tired parents....I have no idea how we managed to do it, but we got our house together and dinner on before everyone arrived (except Maureen and George, who were a big help!).

The celebration was good....Anya did venture out of bed for a bit, although her puking continued...and everyone left by 8. George was asleep ont he couch by 8:15 and I was in bed by 9.

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