We'd just put down our computers so we could enjoy watching The Office and 30 Rock together- 2 of the few entertaining shows on TV nowadays, so you know SOMETHING has to happen. Lorelei had been snoozing in her swing and started fussing...no biggie since she usually has a bottle of formula before going down "for the night" since my supply is squat in the evening and she hadn't had it. So George picked her up to feed her and asked "Why is she all wet?"
Not being a psychic, I had to investigate further to answer him, but it soon became clear....poop. Ahhhhh, George's favorite! Not that anyone loves poo, but he is really bothered by it, so holding a baby who has had an explosion that leaked through the diaper, onesie, and nightgown was NOT fun for him! Lucky for him, I was in a good mood, so we both went back to the nursery to change Lorelei.
As we begin the fun task of removing clothing over her head while protecting her squirmy body and trying not to get poop on her head, she starts with the spitting up. Wow- she literally had poop up to her armpits and now puke down to her bellybutton!!!! Being experienced parents, George and I took it in stride and started laughing. George had to take a break and sit on the floor and happened to look out the nursery door. This is what he saw:
OMG- we were howling! Poor kiddo was so tired and sick (he's still recovering from a cold) he just couldn't make it to our bed and laid down on the floor. I remembered hearing him cry earlier "I need my momma!!!" a few times, but he stopped so I assumed he just fell back asleep- poor little muffin!
Anyway, we finally did manage to get Lorelei cleaned up and changed and Baz back in his bed and watch our show. As a matter of fact, L slept in her crib for a few hours and Baz stayed in his bed most of the night, so George and I actually got to sleep "alone" in our bed for a few hours! if only ER hadn't been about dying children, I might have gotten a couple of restful hours of sleep instead of checking on my own kids 15 times!
OMG, sleeping on a hard wood floor??? He really WAS tired.
Don't you love explosive new baby poo? Piper has gotten both my mom and MIL this week requiring baths both times. I love watching Jason clean one of those up, it's like he doesn't know what to do first.
I love it when they poop like that on someone else's watch!!!!
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