
Sunday, September 14, 2008

10 days to go......

Contrary to George's belief, this kid clearly was not coming out early as her brother and sister did. Thankfully, I didn't ever believe or count on that, so I'm not surprised or upset by it. Of course, I'm COMPLETELY ready to have this kid out and have my body back, but if I have to wait another week or two, I think I'm up for that challenge. This is now the longest I've ever been pregnant, so now I just have to hope she comes out before her due date.....after that, I might just get a little cranky! I am a little concerned about her activity level....she's by FAR the most active kid in utero, which does not bode well for her future performance. Yes, I am quite used to sleep deprivation and sheer exhaustion from chasing toddlers, but I certainly don't ENJOY those parts of my life. Here's hoping she is expending her nervous energy while inside me and she'll be a calm and quiet infant and toddler!

As for the state of my cervix- for the past two weeks, I'm about a fingertip dialated. This is not much in the way of progress but it also doesn't really mean a whole lot. Particularly with later pregnancies, women go from no change at all to full-blown labor very quickly. I'm just hoping that I have enough time between the start of real labor and the intense pain to get to the hospital and get an epidural. The handful of painful contractions I've had already are definitely not fun and I have zero interest in an unmedicated birth.

Here's hoping Baby Girl E decides to make her appearance sooner rather than later!

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