
Sunday, August 3, 2008


OK, I get that some people just don't know what to say sometimes, but this one takes the cake. It came from a patient of mine who happens to be very Catholic- in the small talk we've made during the 15 minutes or so we're together every 2 months, I know where she goes to church, that she teaches catechism, her feelings on parents who don't teach their kids about the church, etc, etc. Anyway, she greeted me as most of my patients do nowadays as my belly enters the room about 5 seconds before the rest of me. "Oh, I see you're expecting- congratulations!". Nice enough...but the next thing out of her mouth was "Why?"

Whaaaaat? Are you KIDDING me? I thought that the people who ask if this was an accident were bold! At first I just bit my tongue (mostly because I couldn't come up with something sassy enough right at that moment). I then explained to her how wonderful the 2 that we have are and how I couldn't imagine life without one more. (I kept the part about how not fun this pregnancy has been to myself). When I told the story to George later in the day, he came up with the perfect retort for her. Why am I having another baby? Because I'm so sick of having abortions, I decided to hang onto this one. That would have shut her up for sure! I certainly wouldn't have been able to say it, but it would fit her question!

It truly amazes me what some people think is OK to say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From your cousin in NJ ...

okay so try this next time...
"For the same reason Catholics have babies I'm trying to spred my religionm Atheism" (or devilworship, wichcraft, whatever).

For the record I have not problem with catholics, and have many with very large families (lucky people) but "WHY?" is just rude.
