Wow, where did those 2 years go? It's so amazing to see what this tiny little baby has grown into in that time. The past few weeks have been very busy for him. His language is exploding- he repeats everything he hears, but he also forms his own short sentences. My favorite words right now are "trigangle", "basket-ka-ball" and (I can't rememer the 3rd right now, but it'll come to me).
He's been counting up to 8 so far and he can recognize a few numbers. 1 is Thomas' number and 6 is Percy, so he has those down! Story time is also big with him. We've always had story time before bed with Anya since he was born, but until lately, he usually ran around and played as she sat and listened. All of a sudden,he insisted on reading his own books and they MUST be read every night. It started with Baby's first Animals (he would point out every animal on each page) and Goodnight Moon, but we added in some Saundra Boynton books for variety and he loves them as well.
What a moosh this kid is- he never refuses a kiss or hug when requested and often offers them on his own. Most times when I pick him up, he immediately plants his head on my shoulder and squeezes my shoulders. He never sits alone to watch tv- he's gotta have someone to cuddle with or else he's running around playing instead.
Unfortunately, Baz is still a 2 year old (almost) and true to form, he's learning to test his boundaries. It is amusing because somehow Anya's dramatics have escaped him so when he wants to throw a tantrum, he grabs something close to him and throws it down. When that doesn't get a reaction, he'll first sit, then lay down on the floor and start crying. When THAT doesn't get a reaction, he rolls over and cries as he's laying face down on the hard floor. That's as bad as it gets and he usually gives up after a few minutes.....easy peasy compared to his drama queen sis!!!
I have lots more to tell about him and Anya, but I want to save some for another day..... here's hoping I have a few more days of feeling good!
I almost forgot how adorable he was when he was so little! I can't believe he's such a big boy.
Thanks for having me over yesterday. Ollie and I had a great time.
Happy Birthday Sebastian! I can't believe you're two already! I love the newborn pics too!
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